
Acupuncture: Ancient Support for Perimenopausal Challenges

Menopause marks the end of the reproductive inning of a woman and releases them of the monthly illness experienced over decades. However, such freedom does not come as quickly as perimenopause, a transitional period that comes before it and makes most women miserable by raising various health issues.

We at Ellicott Acupuncture Centre understand that women undergo hormonal changes and experience irregular periods along with multiple symptoms.

These symptoms may include sleep issues, exhaustion, weight gain, mood swings, excess and sudden sweating, irritability, pain in different body parts, vaginal dryness, loss of sexual desire, or cognitive problems.

 Getting to Know Perimenopause 

Typically, the perimenopausal phase starts when women reach their mid-40s and lasts for 4–10 years. During the early phase, women observe changes in the length of the menstrual cycle and flow and then notice erratic or skipped periods for several months in the later stage.

Perimenopause progression gradually slows down the functioning of women’s ovaries, making them release fewer eggs over time. Women’s bodies produce less estrogen and progesterone hormones than required, which results in various health issues.

Some women smoothly navigate this period with minimal disruption or problems, while others face a hard time with a multitude of ailments. Here, it is critical to note that this transitional period and intensity of symptoms are not the same for all women. Also, the symptoms in the early stage of perimenopause differ from those in the later stage.

 What is the Perimenopause solution? 

Many women approach healthcare professionals, attend regular massages, change their diet, incorporate exercise into their routines, and ingest medicines. Yet, they find it difficult to alleviate the symptoms caused by perimenopause In such a situation, acupuncture emerges as a valuable therapy that addresses perimenopausal symptoms without side effects and smooths their transition.

Acupuncture: An Effective Therapeutic Alternative 

Acupuncture involves safe needle insertion into precise points in the body and its removal to relieve a condition. It is a trusted ancient Chinese therapy for millions. The practitioners might burn mugwort near these points, pass mild electrical current through the needles, place needles on the ears, or use herbs to enhance the effects during the session. 

This procedure restores the balance of natural elements (Yin and Yang), activates the nervous system, enhances or generates feel-good chemicals, and improves blood flow.

These, in turn, help reduce pain and inflammation, heal, and manage various conditions, including perimenopausal concerns. The following brief describes how acupuncture helps alleviate specific conditions arising during perimenopause.

➢ Hormonal Deficiency 

Acupuncture practitioners insert needles at distinct and precise points that regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and maintain hormonal balance. They work on the points located on the inner leg (Spleen 6), inner ankle (Kidney 3), top of the foot (Liver 3), abdomen midline (Ren 4), and below the knee (Stomach 36) and stimulate the endocrine system. The practitioners activate them and help stabilize the desired hormones, which reduces period irregularity and the intensity and frequency of hot flashes and mood swings during perimenopause.

➢ Sweat Outbursts 

Targeting points on the inner lower leg (KD 7) and wrist crease (Heart 7), in addition to those mentioned in hormonal balance, helps alleviate sudden and excess sweating and reduce its occurrence. 

➢ Sleeping Issues 

Perimenopause often causes insomnia and sleep troubles. Acupuncture treats the condition by working on the root causes, i.e., stress, poor blood flow to the brain, and night sweats. The practitioners target Yintang (between eyebrows), Heart 7 (wrist crease), and Anmian (behind the ear) points to promote relaxation. They also stimulate the spleen six and kidney 3 points for hormonal regulation and overall balance, respectively.

➢ Pain in Different Joints and Muscles 

Multiple aches are every day during perimenopause. To relieve pain and improve mobility, practitioners insert needles on the hand between the thumb and index finger and the outer leg below the knee (Gallbladder 34) in addition to the standard points.

➢ Weight Management

Many women notice weight gain during the perimenopause period because they experience stress, poor metabolism, digestive issues, and hormonal imbalances. Acupuncture practitioners focus on different points and address these causes. The procedure also helps women curb their cravings and maintain energy levels to manage their weight. The practitioners specifically target Stomach 36, Spleen 6, Ren 12, Large Intestine 4, and ear points to support metabolic function, digestion, hormonal regulation, stress reduction, and appetite control, respectively.

➢ Sexual Health 

Hormonal changes and their undeniable impact on women’s sexual health are the bitter truths of perimenopause. Vaginal dryness, mood swings, intercourse difficulty, and loss of sexual desire are common. In this condition, acupuncture helps revitalize sexual life. The therapists target Ren 4 and Stomach 29 points on the lower abdomen to nourish reproductive organs, lower vaginal dryness, and enhance sexual function. They also work on Kidney 3 on the inner ankle for hormonal balance and the Heart 7 point located on the wrist crease to induce sexual desire.

➢ Cognitive Challenges

Forgetfulness and mental haziness increase while focus decreases during this transitional period, posing challenges for women. Acupuncture ensures hormonal balance and adequate blood flow to the brain by working on precise points. It relaxes the mind and improves sleep quality.

This effect helps retain things and improve cognitive functionalities. The practitioners encourage the Yintang point between the eyebrows and the Du 20 point at the top of the head to improve focus and relax the mind. They work on Kidney 1 point on the foot sole, Spleen 6, and Heart 7 to support the body’s overall and heart energy, which helps in emotional balance and cognitive function.

How Acupuncture Takes Place

  • A licensed acupuncture specialist offers personalized treatments based on assessing a woman’s exact symptoms and overall health.
    In the initial consultation, the specialist discusses and notes the client’s medical history and current concerns. Then, the specialist designs an acupuncture treatment plan and recommends several weekly or biweekly sessions.
  • During the acupuncture session, the client lies comfortably on a cushioned table, and the qualified practitioner comes and cleans the skin around targeted points with alcohol swabs. Then, they ask clients to relax, remain still, and insert thin, sterile, single-use needles at particular points along the meridians, the body’s energy pathways. This insertion is painless but causes a slight tingling. The specialist might softly twirl, lift, or thrust the needles to activate the points.
  • The practitioners retain the needles for 15 to 30 minutes and might apply heat or electric currents to make the treatment effective. Then, they carefully remove the needles, ensuring no harm, followed by a gentle, healing massage. Most people feel relaxed and energized after acupuncture. The acupuncturists offer advice regarding hydration, rest, and particular activities after the session. The session usually lasts half an hour or 45 minutes.

Perimenopausal Relief

Embracing Acupuncture for Perimenopausal Relief

Contrary to popular belief, acupuncture has minimal side effects. Minor bruises or bleeding are possible, but practitioners resolve them quickly. Overall, it is a safe complementary option that addresses the root cause of imbalances and perimenopausal symptoms and elevates overall well-being. However, it is not a replacement for primary treatment. For desired results, women should combine it with lifestyle and dietary modifications.

If you want to know more about Perimenopause, Contact us at Ellicott Acupuncture Centre.





Whether you are suffering from arthritis pain, headaches, fatigue, depression, or even tumors, Dr. Ma Acupuncture Centre is the tried and tested provider of Chinese medicinal techniques that yield the desired results with the use of safe and proven effective solutions.

Here at Dr. Ma Acupuncture Centre, we are passionate about helping people feel better as they get healthier. We customize our acupuncture, Chinese Massage, and Gua Sha Therapy services to each individual’s precise needs. This means that you get the exact solution for your unique health issues every time.

So if you are in Ellicott City and are in search of the trusted specialist in acupuncture and Chinese Massage Ellicott City MD folks rely on, there is only one name to keep in mind – Dr. Ma Acupuncture Centre!



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