Acupuncture is used as a tactic for migraine prevention. While less common, it has also been used to remedy severe migraine attacks. When done correctly by a licensed acupuncturist at Ellicott Acupuncture Center, this treatment is safe and not associated with critical complications.
Acupuncture is at minimum as effective as preventive drug therapy for migraine headaches and is long-lasting, safe, and cost-effective. Although there seems to be little difference between the two, Chinese acupuncture points may be slightly more effective than Western medications.
A regular acupuncture session involves the penetration of fine needles into acupuncture points on the body, followed by gentle shifting of the needles.
Acupuncturists state that it encourages blood circulation to tissues through away known in alternative remedy as the “axon reflex,” which can dilate the tiny vessels around the acupuncture point.
But additional concepts may illustrate how acupuncture functions and acupuncturists suppose more than just one procedure involved in relieving symptoms. For a long time, Acupuncture has been believed to promote parasympathetic nervous system activity, allowing the body to keep optimal respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure, all of which can cause migraines when affected.
Muscle tension, which can enhance the body’s pain reaction, is also believed to be reduced by attending regular acupuncture sessions offered by our acupuncturists in Ellicott City. Changes in brain activity may also play an important role in minimizing the occurrence of migraines after attending a few acupuncture sessions.
You should visit Ellicott Acupuncture Center if having a migraine; acupuncture therapy performed by licensed therapists can treat it well.
Migraine relief is one reason people turn to our acupuncturists in Ellicott City. Around 60% of those who visit an acupuncturist say they have reduced their trust in prescription drugs after receiving acupuncture therapy; Acupuncture can decrease the regularity of migraine headaches or even prevent them from occurring. People who receive acupuncture therapy and other medications are most likely to be successful. They can also relieve stress by getting enough sleep and Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medication that involves inserting needles at particular acupuncture points on the skin surface. It changes the flow of energy through the body, bringing stability and calmness. Some main benefits are:
At the Ellicott Acupuncture Center, we help our patients realize their full potential by taking their health in hand. We have locations in Ellicott City & Baltimore in Maryland.
Our team specializes in providing Acupuncture to treat migraine resulting from emotional stress, over-exertion, dieting, and nutritional imbalance. At Ellicott Acupuncture Center, we have a never-ending list of success stories. Thousands of people have traveled from all over the world to receive this alternative migraine treatment in Maryland.
Whether you are suffering from arthritis pain, headaches, fatigue, depression, or even tumors, Dr. Ma Acupuncture Centre is the tried and tested provider of Chinese medicinal techniques that yield the desired results with the use of safe and proven effective solutions.
Here at Dr. Ma Acupuncture Centre, we are passionate about helping people feel better as they get healthier. We customize our acupuncture, Chinese Massage, and Gua Sha Therapy services to each individual’s precise needs. This means that you get the exact solution for your unique health issues every time.
So if you are in Ellicott City and are in search of the trusted specialist in acupuncture and Chinese Massage Ellicott City MD folks rely on, there is only one name to keep in mind – Dr. Ma Acupuncture Centre!
For additional questions, either fill out the contact form, send me an email, or give me a call at +1 443-756-0563, +1 301-473-2788